We worked on creating a range of diverse furniture for the working, meeting, exhibition and storage needs at the Small Rabbit Design studio. The pieces feature strict lines, precise geometry, and dynamic angles, creating a timeless equilibrium between their form, the surrounding environment, and the space they define according to their intended purpose. The construction materials are intentionally visible, lending a light industrial style, while ensuring durability and resistance to the rigors of daily use.
Workbench / Meeting Table
The industrial design seamlessly combines digital fabrication techniques with woodworking craftsmanship. The table's frame consists of elongated elements of 18mm birch plywood laminated together,in a way that open mortise and tenon joints are shaped. The notable V-shaped wedge running through the carpentry joints enhances structural integrity and contributes to the overall geometry of the objects. Inside the frame, inset storage spaces with black stain paint have been incorporated, extending and accentuating the industrial aesthetic. Bolts and specially designed inserts are utilized to assemble all the individual components.

This large bench features a 220cm x 120cm work surface and stands at a height of 90cm. It is designed for comfortable standing work or sitting on a stool. The support structure consists of two frames featuring an edge cross lap joint at their center, forming an X shape when viewed from above. An 18mm auxiliary surface is positioned on the frame, providing support for the final 18mm surface, which can be easily replaced in the future.

The round table boasts a working surface of 1.5m diameter and a height of 75cm, suitable for office and conference meetings use. The table's frame consists of two open Π-shaped frames, joined at their open sides to create a V-shape of an equilateral triangle when viewed from above. The sharp corners of the frame complement the round desktop, imparting a playful yet minimalistic style.

Η βιβλιοθήκη αποτελείται από 5 κάθετα χαλύβδινες κοιλοδοκούς διατομής 30mm x 70mm. Σε κάθε απόληξη διατομής των κοιλοδοκών συγκολλήθηκε πλακάκι με σπείρωμα για την υποδοχή ειδικών ρεγουλατόρων. Με την τάνυση των ρεγουλατόρων οι κοιλοδοκοί ισορροπούν σε ένταση μεταξύ πατώματος και δοκαριού. Κατά μήκος των κοιλοδοκών δημιουργήθηκαν ειδικές εγκοπές με κοπή laser, ώστε να υποδεχθούν πλακάκια πάχους 3mm και ράφια λαμαρίνας DCP 1.2mm. Με αυτό τον τρόπο μπορέσαμε να κρύψουμε εντελώς τα σημεία ηλεκτροσυγκόλλησης. Τα πλακάκια χρησιμοποιούνται ως στηρίξεις ραφιών από κ/π σημύδας 18mm ενώ τα ραφια λαμαρίνας χρησιμοποιούνται για την αποθήκευση ειδικών μεταλλικών εργαλειοθηκών.