It was a 3-day workshop for the design and fabrication of small-scale urban equipment that is intended to contribute to the activation of the NTUA School of Architecture open space. The workshop was addressed to students of the faculty who, through a process of co-configuration, decided themselves the thematic objects of the workshop - seats, benches, stands, etc. - according to the way they understand and respond to the needs and wishes of the academic community.
Under the theoretical as well as technical guidance of the Ludd group, and using materials from the market -natural wood-, but also materials reused by the school itself -metal frames-, they gave form and substance to these objects on a 1:1 scale. In this way, the participants had the opportunity to come into direct contact with the process of creating a small-scale architectural project in all its stages and to acquire a wide range of technical knowledge and experience.

The project was implemented in collaboration with the School of Architectural Engineering NTUA and was financed by the Special Account for Research Funding NTUA.